Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Townsend Family Circus!

O.K so I have a good one! Has anyone ever been sitting in church wrestling four kids when the bishop begins announcing the speakers; one of them is you and you have no idea that you're supposed to speak? Sounds like a nightmare, right? "First we will hear from Brother so and so, after which we will hear from Sister Erica Townsend." I've never been so glad to be sitting in the back of the church than I was at that moment. The shock on my face was probably priceless. I looked at Dustin and said..."WHAT?" It all happened within seconds as reality began to manifest itself. I recalled vaguely the Executive Secretary approaching me 3 Sundays prior as I was running to teach another lesson. I took the paper with my topic on it, shoved it safely in my black hole of a church bag and never thought of it again until the moment they announced my name! My first thought was to hide under the pew. That wouldn't work: they would find me too quickly. My second thought was to run from the room: Too many witnesses. So my only option was to put on my best Primary face (that means a happy smile even when your freaking out inside), bite the bullet, get up there and wing it. The kind friend behind me handed me a handful of Ensigns, bless her soul. I found an article similar to the topic and got up there. Thank heaven one was a Conference address issue. I don't remember what I talked about, but boy will I pay attention next time I'm asked to give a talk, and I now can say I have literally survived one of my worst nightmares. My only solace is that I could have given a dang good talk...had I prepared.


  1. black hole of a church bag is so my church bag!! I couldn't tell you what you talked about either because I was also wrestling 4 kids and thinking about the sharing time that I didn't prepare until breakfast today... but I think you winged it beautifully! Good job!

  2. and I totally had wipes too! you shoulda asked Curtis:) (he's got JK these days at church) poor Austin! a litte abrasion heals quickly though.

  3. HA! When I was RS Pres. in Maryland, it was the Sunday before Christmas. I was walking into Sac. Mtg. and Bishop Mifflin (such a joker) asked if I was ready to speak. I laughed and said, "Oh yeah, right." He said, "Well, look at the program." Sure enough there was my name. Only difference between my experience and yours is that I had NOT been asked prior. I had to repent all during the sacrament for how angry I was, and search my scriptures to come up with something. I thought I would absolutely die. Obviously I didn't, but I let the ward know what the Bishop had done to me. I, like you, have no idea what I spoke about. It gives knew meaning to the "always have a talk prepared, just in case!"

  4. Oh Erica! I love that you're blogging. This is a perfect way for us to keep in touch! If that had happened to me in church, I would not have worried about the witnesses and chosen the run from the room option. If I were thinking clearly, I might first pinch the baby so it looked like I had to go since he was crying. I'm sure the spirit guided and you did a greta job.
