Friday, February 20, 2009

A Mother of Boys!

I love being the mother of two little boys. I haven't the slightest clue what I'm doing... but it's an adventure! From the poo talk to the inate inborn need to fight and kick...which must come from their hunter/gatherer instincts, every day is a new adventure. I'm just grateful to other Mothers of boys who keep telling me it's totally normal. (If it were not for them I would have thought mine had some sort of disorder!)

We have been watching a cute little dog named Shelby this week, and it has been a blast for my boys! Dog's really are "Man's best friend". When I picked up Evan the other day from pre school, the teacher explained a funny story! They were discussing a dog on a leash in their circle time, and when Evan heard the word leash he jumped up very quickly as if on cue and said "Leash?... I've gotta leash! And out of his teeny tiny pocket he pulls out this huge leash. She said all the teachers just couldn't stop laughing! I laughed so hard my sides hurt. (It felt great) and I'm giggling now as I write the story! Evan's explaination was that he didn't want me to take the dog on a walk without him while he was gone so he took the leash with him.

Once you get past the messes, destruction, and the poo talk, being the mom of boys is a Blast!